Have you afraid with something? Maybe you afraid one of this list.
- speak in the first time in front of a group of people
I am the one. But with speak regularly in front of class I can handled it more and more
- in a high place
I’ve been trauma with high place (especially when I’m on the ladder) because I’ve fall from ladder.
- insect
Roach is the most *%*&**&$ insect in the world (for me).
- be under water
Do you like swim? I like it (but not more than 5 meters depth).
- diseases
Prevents is better than heals.
- death
It is normal thing
- fly
Some people can have airsick
- solitude
It just likes a graveyard.
- dog
I don’t afraid because I’ve a dog a few years ago.
- poorness
Everyone doesn’t like this thing, neither I.
you have poor spelling and grammar.